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关于卡巴所使用1095 Cro-Van钢的详细解说(摘自外国论坛)

本帖最后由 喁喁收集 于 2010-6-16 03:12 编辑

论坛上玩刃玩的比较多的老鸟们,尤其是英语水平还不错的高手们,大概都已经不屑与关注Ka-Bar这样一个低端刃具品牌了。大家关注的焦点主要集中于克里斯里夫、Strider、微技术或者是手工刃匠的产品。作为一个入行比较晚的后辈刃友,我的目光从来没有从那些质优价廉、性价比很高的品牌上离开,相反,我仍然关注这些品牌的各类消息。之前我翻译了卡巴版BK2 的一些情况在测试版上,看到大家的谬赞,心中甚喜,因此决定不顾自己粗陋的翻译水平,翻译一些关于卡巴的文章来给大家看看。可能有人已经翻译过了,我懒得找去了,翻译中有不足之处还望大家指出

这篇文字是从http://www.britishblades.com 上面发现的,ID 为 Wildjim的刀友给卡巴发了个邮件询问为什么卡巴网站上刀具钢材均从1095换成了一种名为1095 Cro-Van的钢,这两种钢材到底有什么区别?下面是卡巴公司技术部负责人回复的邮件。我自己做了个中英对照版的大家看看。转载并未征求原帖作者同意,但我想这也不涉及利益和版权问题,就转过来了。

Question as answered by KA-BAR:
I’ll give you the 50cent tour of our steel and hope that it answers your question.
Yes, our steel is indeed, the now defunct, Sharon Steel Co. 170-06.
Long ago (way before Mike Stewart) the knife industry did in fact call Sharon 170-06 : Cro-Van or 1095 Cro-Van or 1095CV. Not just as a marketing name but actually on POs and specs and shop documents.
很久以前(在Mike Stewart之前),制刃工业实际上的确把Sharon钢铁公司的170-06钢称作:Cro-Van 或者叫做 1095-Cro-Van 或者1095CV。 这写名称并非是一种商业手段,而是实际上存在于钢材命名体系和档案中的。           
Notice that Case also calls their carbon steel: Cro-Van. A look through old turn-of-the century advertising literature and catalogs will confirm this for you. Also remember that Case, KA-BAR, Alcas (Cutco) were all related
(Not to mention Platts (Western), Cattaraugus, Robeson, Kinfolks ,Champlin, Crandal, et al.) All located in South Western NY/North Western PA. So there was a lot of cross- over of personnel and knowledge between the companies.
We are still on very friendly terms with Case even though the blood connection no longer exists. Also Sharon Steel was in Sharon, PA. A look on the map will show you why they supplied the turn-of-the-century knife industry.
尽管这种血脉联系已经不复存在,但我们现在仍旧对那家钢铁公司怀有敬意。(译者注Sharon is a city in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in the United States)。Sharon钢铁正好位于宾夕法尼亚州的莎伦市,看看地图你就知道为什么他们还能够为制刀工业提供上世纪的钢材了。
If you look at the Chemical composition of 170-06, it is basically AISI 1095 with the addition of small amounts of Chrome, Vanadium, and smaller amounts of Nickel and Moly so the term 1095 Cro-Van is not off base.
For many years we called Cro-Van just 1095 in our advertising literature, but went back to calling it 1095 Cro-Van as it is a better steel than just straight 1095,
长久以来,在我们的广告语中,我们把这种原本名为Cro-Van的钢材仅仅简单地叫做1095,但是现在我们改回原来的叫法——即1095 Cro-Van,因为这种钢比普通的1095强。
and we felt there were advantages to making the distinction. We did that in 2005. We make no attempt to hide the fact that it is 170-06. Nor do we make extravagant claims for the steel.
同时,我们认为区分这两种钢材的确能够带来好处。 我们改变钢材的名称是在2005年。我们并无意隐瞒事实,因为这种钢材就是所谓的170-06.同时我们也并没有过分强调这种钢材的优点。
1095 Cro-Van is just the name we have always used.
1095 Cro Van 只不过是我们曾经用过的名字罢了。
I hope this answers your question. If you have further, feel free to e-mail me directly at pault@ka-bar.com
我希望我回答了你的问题,如果还有其他问题,请发E-Mail至 pault@ka-bar.com,我们将马上回复。
Best Regards,

Paul Tsujimoto
Sr. Engineer
Product Development & Quality
Ka-Bar Knives
译者注:Mike Stewart is the CEO of Bark River Knife & Tool. He also worked for Marbles before he started his own company. He also makes a part of the Blackjack Knives.

Howard Clark :It sounds like very good blade steel to me. And an excellent response from Ka-Bar.
Cosco: I would put my bet on Ka-Bar over MS any time. Have got some unresponded emails and PMs sent to him for few years.
PSY:     I think the Ka-bar representative deserves some cred for such a fast and good answer. To me that means taking ones customers seriously.


发布日期: 2010-07-02 00:33:58 【回目录】
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